Jane 6th May 2020

We were very sad to hear the news of Ian’s death. It is over 25 years since we first met the Nicolson family, as we all moved into our splendid new Charles Church homes in the Knowle. It feels like only yesterday. It very quickly became apparent that the two households were of a very differing disposition – Ian kept his lawn beautifully manicured. Our garden was always a bit wayward. We used to tease Ian as he was out edging or sweeping up fallen leaves - he always gave as good has he got in return. I remember when he was painting his fence, Ian didn’t just slap the Cuprinol on the verticals like most folk. Ian’s fence was done to his usual impeccable standard with a wee brush being used to delicately coat the top surface. Not one drip came down our side. What we will remember Ian for most is his teasing sense of humour. Our Scottishness was of course a prime target for leg-pulling, especially when Scotland was being beaten at rugby. John remembers being asked round to watch a game, so put on a kilt and his best Braveheart makeup. Ian took great delight in England’s victory. I remember John collapsing in a drunken heap in our bathroom after an evening round at No 5, when Ian brought out some stupidly expensive brandy. What a generous host! So many memories of his twinkly eyes and, to our ears, his Del Boy accent. And he did of course teach Laura to drive – eventually. I think she passed on her fifth effort. No reflection on Ian of course, but for sure he loved taking cheques from his Scottish neighbours.