Jill 30th April 2020

This is so hard to write. We have known Nic (a school nickname continued with to this day) since we were all just out of primary school. At home, we had a very welcoming and open house and he would often arrive just in time for our mum to give him a plate of chips or a sausage or two in freshly baked bread rolls. We have so many memories of those early years, together with Janet and Stuart he would come camping where we played football, cricket, card games and other similar pursuits during the day and in the evening inevitably all ended up in the pub. He had a cheeky sense of humour, always fun and always good company. Nic was great at keeping in touch and over the years when I (Jill) too worked in the City we would occasionally meet for lunch. I remember one time walking back into the office from my lunch break around 5pm, so late, thankfully different times then of course. Another time I remember meeting up with Nic, Clive and Colin after work and I had just started a new job. I felt so rough the next day I didn’t dare go in with a hangover. It was just par for the course for the boys. Later years we would meet Nic and Carol for Sunday lunch and also shared a few weekends away, always enjoyable. Nic loved his photo opportunities and insisted on getting everyone involved, willing or not! We have a picture somewhere of Jill standing in a giant clog in Amsterdam thanks to Nic. Happy memories. It was so sad when we heard the diagnosis. The last few years must have been so hard for him and his family. Thanks to his fighting spirit he somehow managed to keep that smile going throughout, right to the very end. Sending you our love. You will always be in our thoughts. Jill and Clive xxx